Branding Your Business (Imported)

Successful businesses stand out from the crowd. In this course you will learn how to identify your product's 'personality' and create a brand around it.

Module 1 Establishing Your Brand Focus
Unit 1 Branding Your Business - Introduction  
Unit 2 Establishing Your Brand Focus - Product Analysis  
Unit 3 Module One Quiz  
Module 2 Identifying Your Target Market
Unit 1 Identify Your Market  
Unit 2 Reality Check - Live Research!  
Unit 3 Module Two - Quiz  
Module 3 Creating Your Brand Identity
Unit 1 Choosing Your Brand Name  
Unit 2 What Makes a Logo a Logo?  
Unit 3 Logos and Slogans  
Unit 4 Module Three - Quiz  
Module 4 Growing Your Brand and Protecting Its Reputation
Unit 1 Growing Your Brand  
Unit 2 Brand Reputation Management  
Unit 3 Module Four - Quiz  
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