Investing in Lease Options for Realtors (Imported)

Lease Options are a good investment choice if you would like a quick turn-around on your money. They are also a relatively stress-less addition to a real estate portfolio.

Module 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Why You Should Be Doing Lease Option Investing  
Unit 2 What Do You Want Your Investments to Do for You?  
Unit 3 Module One Quiz  
Module 2 The Components of Successful Lease Option Investment
Unit 1 Start with a Qualified Buyer and a Qualified Property  
Unit 2 Finding and Researching Properties to Invest In  
Unit 3 'Regular' Lease Option  
Unit 4 How About a Sandwich?  
Unit 5 Joint Venture Investing  
Unit 6 Module Two Quiz  
Module 3 Getting Other People's Money for Your Investments
Unit 1 What You Need to Achieve When You Talk to Lenders  
Unit 2 Put Your Best Foot Forward  
Unit 3 Best Preps  
Unit 4 Module Three Quiz  
Module 4 Putting Together Your Team
Unit 1 Your Lawyer, Accountant and Credit Repair Specialist  
Unit 2 Your Property Inspector and Insurance Agent  
Unit 3 Your Property Management Team Members  
Unit 4 You're a Team Member Too  
Unit 5 Module Four Quiz  
Module 5 Running Your Investment Business
Unit 1 Be Business-like!  
Unit 2 Controlling Cash Flow  
Unit 3 Managing Files  
Unit 4 Collecting Rent  
Unit 5 Module Five Quiz  
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