Lease Options for Tenant-buyers (Imported)

Lease Options for Tenant-buyers will educate tenant-buyers about what a lease option does, what all the parties to a lease option are agreeing to, why 'vetting' is important, how purchase price and monthly rent are calculated and how to prepare for life after closing day.

Module 1 What Is a Lease Option Program?
Unit 1 What Exactly Is a Lease Option Agreement?  
Unit 2 What Do the Buyer and Seller Have to Do to Make it Work?  
Unit 3 A Summary of What You and the Seller Are Agreeing To  
Unit 4 What Are the Benefits of a Lease Option Program?  
Unit 5 Lease Options for Tenant-buyers - Module One Quiz  
Module 2 Participants in a Lease Option Program Need to Get 'Qualified'
Unit 1 Why It's Important for You to Get 'Qualified'  
Unit 2 Full Disclosure Is Required  
Unit 3 Lease Options for Tenant-buyers - Module Two Quiz  
Module 3 Setting the Purchase Price and Monthly Rent
Unit 1 Finding the Purchase Price  
Unit 2 Finding the Monthly Rent Payment  
Unit 3 Lease Options for Tenant-buyers - Module Three Quiz  
Module 4 Living in your New Home
Unit 1 After You Move In - What's Next?  
Unit 2 Think Ahead  
Unit 3 Lease Options for Tenant-buyers - Module Four Quiz  
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